Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hello 2009

Well it’s been a while since my last update, but good things come to those who wait. Or at least that’s what they say. Anyways, with a new year rolling in to place, I have been thinking about my resolutions. I have really had a set one, just some ideas I was throwing around for the sake of making a resolution. And then I thought to myself why make one? Never in my life have I ever kept one of my new year’s resolutions. Never have I lost those 10 pounds or stopped eating chocolate or achieved whatever unrealistic goal I set for myself. So then I thought maybe I have just been making the wrong resolutions. So this year is going to be a little different.

This year my resolution is to live my life the way I want to live it. I want to make decisions in the moment, I want to do things on a whim, be spontaneous. I want to live freely without regret or responsibility to anyone but myself. I want to love myself, instead of trying to find someone worthy of all the love I have to give. I want to stop searching and just be. I want to take each day at a time for what it is worth. I want to recognize the importance of a bumble bee hovering over a flower. I want to take a minute each and just stop and take in the world around me.

My resolution this year is simple. I want to live.