Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Authenticity as I See it

I feel that authenticity is a characteristic that is under-appreciated and also hard to find these days. I meet so many people assuming they are genuine, believing that they have only the best intentions. Unfortunately, I have learned that the majority of the time I am wrong. Most people have intentions, but they may not be so good. I learned that people will do anything to get ahead. Their ethics and morals fly out the window when it comes to making money, most of time. It's all about number one: not about everyone else, not about us, not about you. Most people just don't care. Which is why when you come across that person who truly cares, you should cherish them for all their worth. Every so often, I find someone who wants to help me, who genuinely cares about my well-being, and those are the kind of people I try to surround myself with. It's a waste of time caring about someone who will always only be looking out for number one. They aren't going to reciprocate any of your genuine feelings, so why waste the authenticity that you are completely entitled to on someone who couldn't give two shits? DON'T. Make it harder for yourself to trust people. To me, it's second nature because I automatically assume that everyone has good intentions. I have to stop assuming and start expecting the worst. I have to expect that you are not genuine until you prove to me that you are, not the opposite. I am grateful to have those in my life that have truly shown me what it is to care, to love, to help and to live. I mean honestly how can you live your life being fake all the time. It may be a little harder to set your standards and stick to them, but I feel like a good person doing it. I'm not saying that I am perfect or that it's even a feasible possibility. I'm just saying we should all strive to be the best, most authentic person we can. We are all interconnected somehow; every action you make affects others, whether you care about them or not. So why not start caring? It will make you and the others around you feel good. It will make you feel alive.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a woman who is one of the truest people I've ever met. She cried to me about her life. She was completely raw with me. She opened up to me with complete trust; she was more vulnerable than I had ever seen her. And in the whirl of tears and emotions, I felt something deep, something I haven't felt since my best friends moved away to California. I was living a genuinely real connection with someone, and I haven't allowed myself to do that in a long time. I have known my best friends for years now; this woman only recently came into my life. Her passion for communication and appreciation of my worth truly made me feel valued, not only as a friend but as a human being. This woman trusted me enough to share some of her deepest experiences with me and even include me in on one.

Another thing happened to me yesterday that struck me pretty deeply. When I was making a run to the convenient store, I decided to get cash back when I made my purchase. Well I was so exhausted, frazzled and consumed that I forgot to get my money. The cashier could have easily pocketed my $30, but instead he called after me. Just my lucky day I guess. I'm so thankful that he was an honest person, because my long day could have easily gotten much worse.

I feel as though those of us that have genuinely good intentions, get stomped on. It's like they say, "Nice guys finish last." And it's true it's easier to cheat your way through life, lie your way through a relationship or deceive someone to get your desired results, but it's definitely not easier on your conscience or your morals. I don't know how guilt doesn't eat away at those who are deceptive, sneaky, lying, cheating sketchballs. All I have to say is good luck in life. People will see through your façade, if they don't already.

In any case, I may be wrong. Maybe I'm the one with bad intentions, and I don't even know it. I don't feel that way though. I have to say that I feel good: about myself, about my actions, about my life.

P.S. This song gets me through the day, take a listen if you like: